oct 4 2022

another day, another blog! life has been suspiciously good lately; nothing extraordinary has happened to me, but things are just good. fun. i went to the grocery store on sunday and it was painless; no traffic, found everything i needed quickly and easily, some random person complimented my shirt, got home. then my roomate and my other friend and me went to this dog costume parade, which was just as cute as it sounds. on monday i went to my 17th century poetry prof's office hours and she was super nice and welcoming. we talked for like an hour about the class and poetry in general and also some good advice about grad school. i had therapy today and while i didn't come right out and say i think im autistic, ive talked to her about some of the other problems ive been having and she said she thinks i might have a sound sensitivity disorder. which is one of the symptoms of autism, lol. either way i've just felt really good and satisfied lately. trying not to be a crazy person and get scared that means something bad is coming soon.

my uk cover copies of graceling and bitterblue arrived and theyre honestly so gorgeous!! i was worried abt buying them bc i had never purchased from world of books before and i already have a copy of bitterblue so i felt kind of silly getting another. but both books combined were under $20 and it was honestly so worth it, im obsessed with them. the shipping took a long time, but the books are in perfect condition!

the iwtv show is so good, im so happy. its weird how quickly i got into this franchise; i had never read the books before and i only watched the movie with amie a couple months ago, but i read the book actually about a week before the show came out and i was surprised by how much i liked it (i was a hannibal fan so i guess its not that surprising). anne rice was a very sick racist woman but the book was good. the show is just amazing though, i love all the changes they've made. it doesn't feel like they just changed louis to be Black because they didn't want to deal with the backlash from having him be a white slave owner, it actually ADDS so many layers and so much complexity to his character and his relationship dynamic with lestat. and jacob anderson is sooo good in the role. sam reid too but jacob is just killing it, he really sells the complex mix of rage, grief, self-pity, and joy that louis is constantly feeling in these first couple of episodes. I NEED CLAUDIA NOW NOW NOW NOW!!

i've been putting so much work into this website and it's so rewarding to see it evolve and grow over time.. it makes me feel so proud and fufilled in a way that creating a profile on twitter or whatever never could. i still have a lot to do and learn but ugh i think the site it really coming togther. the community on neocities has been really cool too and i just love seeing how creative and talented everyone else is!!

nothing else to say, so crow signing off!